Tutorial 4 - Pitch


Pitch is how high or low a note sounds.

This tutorial will guide you though the other elements of pitch within Codetta.


TASK: Recreate the screen shot below into Codetta, and press play.

Both of these notes are octaves apart! This means that the notes have the same letter (C), but one sounds higher than the other.

TASK: Look at the letters next to "Treble = " in the info bar. Which C has a 4 and which has a 5 mean?

Instrument Ranges

Let's look at two of Codettas instruments, the violin and the cello!

The Violin is a small instrument, so when playing a C5, it sounds reasonable and not too silly. However, a big low sounding Cello may not be as effective as creating high pitched sounds.

TASK: try listening to both instruments. Which sounds better?


Let's try and change the notes of the cello to be at a much smarter pitch.

To do this we can select the "bass clef block" from the blue, pitch category in our toolbox.

By adding it like in the image above, we change the pitches that the notes and lines on our stave (the "bar block") equal. Hence you should look at the "Bass = " value on the info bar.

By default, we have been always using the treble clef, however, sometimes its good to add it anyway to make it super clear.

TASK: Recreate the screenshot below. What do all of the notes have in common? What do they have that is different.

Make Music!

You now have all the skills needed to make a really powerful and expressive piece of music.

Listen to the video demo below. This was made all with Codetta!

TASK: See if you too can recreate the music in the video - a screenshot is shown below for reference.

NOTE: The global BPM is set to 45.