Interaction Design
Beyond traditional HCI, considering the design of engaging interactive systems
For the BSc (Hons) Computer Science and BSc (Hons) Creative Computing degrees @ QMUL @ Queen Mary University of London.
As a demonstrator, I support teaching in lab sessions, and mark assessments, for the Interaction Design Module (Level 6), which is taught across many of QMUL’s Computer Science programmes (e.g. Creative Computing, Computer Science).
This module explores the challenges surrounding new technologies, and the industries they have created, for the design and evaluation of interactive systems. It moves away from the traditional human-computer interaction model with its focus on increasing efficiency or minimising errors for single users, and explores theories relating to usability and experience, social context, creativity and live performance. It explores the nature of engagement with interactive systems and between people when mediated by interactive systems.
Topic covered include:
::: Don Norman’s design principles
::: Ethnography
::: Phenomenology
::: Multimodal Interface Design
::: Activity Theory
::: Distributed Cognition
Contributed to:
::: Teaching
::: Assessment